Cooking for Family

Way back in May (yes, I’m still that far behind…) I traveled to Florida to attend my brother’s wedding and visit family.  My (then future-) sis-in-law Kiersten asked me to make some vegan cupcakes to go along with their wedding cake, since there were going to be a few other vegan guests.  I never met the other vegans, but I hope they enjoyed the cupcakes!

I stole most of these pictures from the official wedding photos.  Shhhhh…

Here is the citrus wedding cake, obviously made by a professional.

My Orange Creamsicle cupcakes, which I thought turned out lovely.

The cakes are Orange Pudding Cupcakes from Vegan Cupcakes Take Over the World, without the pudding part, and the Orange Buttercream Frosting from the same book.  I added just a touch of yellow and red food coloring to the frosting to give it a light orange tint.  I also learned that the secret to big, fluffy swirls of frosting is a 1M piping tip.  Here they are, all packed up to go to the wedding.

My mom just happened to have a tiered dessert display, so we set them up all nice.  I liked baking them in a liner and then adding another lining on the outside.  Made me feel like Martha Stewart.

Now, on to the important part – the people!

My mom and dad coming down the aisle.  The ceremony was held on the beach at Kiersten’s grandparents’ lake house.

My baby brother go married!  Well, I guess he’s not much of a baby any more.

Glamor shot…

…but this is what they’re more likely to look like on any given day 🙂

My beautiful sister-in-law, Kiersten.  Pictures of me at the reception do exist, but I’m not posting them because I still had Bell’s Palsy-face at the time, and wasn’t feeling or looking my best.  Despite my health or lack thereof, I had a fantastic time and was so glad I was able to attend.

The day after the wedding just so happened to be Mother’s Day.  I couldn’t afford a nice present, but I can always afford my time to cook!  So, I made brunch for my mom and dad.  While they’re nowhere near vegan, they’re very open minded when it comes to food, and always interested to try new things.  My parents are awesome!  My mom even went and bought all the ingredients I needed in advance.

Blurry picture of the tasty Self-Dressing Spinach, Avocado & Grapefruit Salad.

Mushroom Tofu Scramble (recipe from Vegan Brunch) and Herb-Roasted Potatoes.

Blueberry Coffee Cake, recipe also from Vegan Brunch.

The set up.  Of course, as per usual, I took pictures of the food but not the people!  It’s okay, since we probably all looked a little tired from the night before.  The meal turned out well, and I had a great time cooking for my parents.  It was a fantastic visit.


  1. Isn’t that salad so delicious? Every time I make it for other people I’m so nervous – it seems like it just shouldn’t work without any dressing at all – but it always comes out soooo yummy! The whole brunch looks fabulous!

  2. jd said

    What a beautiful wedding! Congrats to your little brother 🙂 Those cupcakes that you made look divine, by the way!

    And don’t worry about posting stuff from May – I just did my first post in 6 months, so I can definitely relate re: old news!!

  3. Mom said

    I can attest to the fact that the cupcakes tasted every bit as good as they looked. Having you there with us for the wedding made everything just right. We are very blessed. And your brunch made it the BEST Mother’s Day ever! I love your attention to detail…even bringing fresh mint with you for our iced tea. Lovely!

  4. Wow what a cool cake! I love those creamsicle cupcakes you made, what a fabulous idea. My husband would love those! What a lovely wedding…very cute couple. I love your sister-in-laws blue shoes!!!

  5. Mandee said

    Your cupcakes look perfect and they matched that amazing wedding cake perfectly!

  6. chow vegan said

    Awesome looking cupcakes and what a beautiful wedding! Congratulations to your bro! And what a great Mother’s Day brunch! 🙂

  7. ameyfm said

    wow, your cupcakes look so PERFECT. I just recently realized that I absolutely suck at piping fancy piles of frosting… but I was using a pretty small tip. I’ll just pretend that was the problem. 🙂 The wedding pictures are gorgeous too… what a pretty spot!

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