Teese Quesadilla & Laptop Lunches

I made a quick trip to the grocery store yesterday to buy supplies for two meals.


I was expecting great things from the XTREME tortillas, but alas, they’re just normal tortillas.  All the other whole wheat tortillas had a list of like 40 ingredients, so maybe the lack of xtremeness ingredients-wise makes them xtreme.

Said ingredients and some stuff from the fridge went into quesadillas – fajita-style mushrooms, onions and peppers, cilantro, and Teese.  I thinned out some leftover black bean dip to make soup, and plated with lettuce, salsa, sour supreme and a couple cucumber slices.  I wanted to make guacamole too, but none of the avocados at the store were ripe.


These were goo-ood, best vegan quesadillas I’ve ever made, probably because they’re the first ones where the cheese actually melted.  If I changed anything for next time I’d put more fillings in since these were a little thin.  I went light on the fillings on purpose – I always overstuff burritos and the innards spill out and make a huge mess.

Here are some laptop lunchboxes I’ve brought to work in the past month.  Lunch is by far the best part of my day, due to these lunches and zooming through the Harry Potter books.

4-11-08 lunch

4-11 leftover rice noodles & veggies from Vietnamese place, split pea soup,
carrot raisin salad, squash pickles, dried pineapple

4-14- lunch

4-14 the fridge was pretty bare these days.  rotini pasta w/ cheesy sauce, kale
chips, carrot raisin salad, dill pickle, sliced veggie dog, dried mango, prunes

4-24 lunch

4-24 rotini pasta w/ cheese sauce, peas & carrots, braised red cabbage,
sugar snap peas& carrot sticks w/ hummus, dried mango, almonds,
dried pineapple, prunes

4-25 lunch

4-25 YRR tamale pie (from the freezer), braised red cabbage, pickled
mushrooms & gherkins, vanilla soy yogurt w/ flax, carrot sticks,
dried apricots, orange slice candy

4-29 lunch

4-29 toasted millet bread, fig bar, lentils tartare, steamed dandelion greens
under alfalfa sprouts, grape tomatoes, mustard dressing, grapes

4-30 lunch

4-30 seared brussels sprouts, tempeh salad, avocado, wheat crackers, brownie

5-1 lunch

5-1 sandwich (millet toast, lentils tartare, alfalfa sprouts), celery sticks,
mustard dressing, brownie, steamed dandelion greens,
grape tomatoes, grapes

5-2 lunch

5-2 tempeh salad, celery & carrot sticks, red bell pepper, avocado,
grape tomatoes, woodstock dressing, wheat crackers,
fig bar, grapes

5-5 lunch

5-5 lentils tartare, alfalfa sprouts, red & green bell pepper, tempeh salad,
mexican slaw, wheat crackers, maya gold lava cupcake

5-6 lunch

5-6 double veggie & edamame fried rice, red & green bell peppers,
pepitas & raisins, dried apple, fig bar

5-8 lunch

5-8 orzo w/ red bell pepper, swiss chard, lemon butter sauce, almond parmesan & toasted pine nuts, pb, celery sticks, grilled patty pan squash, cucumber, carrot sticks, blueberries, fig bar

5-13 lunch

5-13 southern-style dolmades, tahini sauce, goddess pasta salad, avocado, strawberries

5-14 lunch

5-14 two pieces deluxe pizza, carrot sticks, bell pepper, strawberries

5-15 lunch

5-15 wheat bread, pizza sauce, seitanroni & Teese slices, dried mango, broccoli florets, ranch, fig bar

5-19 lunch

5-19 grilled asparagus, marinated grilled portobello, couscous w/ artichokes,
roasted tomatoes, olives & cilantro, rosemary bread, lettuce, cucumber,
baby carrots wherever I could fit them, ranch, kiwi, fig bar

5-20 lunch

5-20 veggie & Teese quesadilla, black bean soup, salsa, lettuce,
sugar snap peas, baby carrots, ranch, dried apricots & pineapple

I really must post these more often so it’s not such a production.  I’m doing well with variety though, there are only two I didn’t post that were basically identical to one of these.


  1. I love your lunches! they look tasty and non-complicated 🙂

  2. VeggieGirl said

    The quesadilla sounds great! And I love all of your innovative lunchbox meals!

  3. Celine said

    I MUST make that quesadilla soon. it’s the one thing I’ve been missing ever since going vegan eons ago.

  4. michiko280 said

    Mmmm.. making me SO hungry! It all looks fabulous!

  5. bazu said

    I haven’t made a quesedilla in who knows how long- and now I have a serious craving!

    Your laptop lunches are fabulous- so much color and variety. I love your blog!

  6. Jennifer said

    Haha! Xtreme tortillas! That is awesome!

    Your plate looks so good! I want to reach into my screen and devour everything on the plate! Mmmmmmm. That quesadilla sounds fabulous!

    I have a Mr. Bento lunch jar that I take to work. It’s my happy time of the day. I eat tasty food and read articles on Common Dreams, hard to beat that!

    I wish my lunches were as creative as yours! So well balanced!

    I can’t decide which one is my favorite!

  7. Your lunches are incredible! Definitely post those more often, they inspire me to eat better at lunch time!

  8. Ah, gotta love those Harry Potter books.

    I love your laptop lunches—they look so healthy and delicious! Does everyone at your work jealously congregate around you at lunchtime to see what you have? I sure would!

  9. Liz said

    Your lunchboxes are such a source of inspiration! I normally just throw a dish of leftovers in. They’re so colourful and healthy! I’m on the case!

  10. That goddess pasta salad looks really tasty. Is there a recipe for that somewhere??

  11. veganhomemade said

    Katie – I take every opportunity to get out of the building at my current job, so I eat alone in a downtown courtyard, quite contentedly. I don’t think anybody here would really understand. Maybe at my next (hopefully less crappy) job they’ll ooh and aah!

    Dawn – The pasta salad is from Yellow Rose Recipes.

  12. […] occasionally ranks her food on the Weight Watchers point system. For the Potluck and Lunches The vegan laptop lunches at Vegan Homemade make lunch hour look fun. For potluck or picnic, the Southern-Style Dolmades with […]

  13. Ellie said

    Those lunches are gorgeous!

    I just made a really simple quesadilla tonight – just black beans heated with taco sauce, dipped into guacamole on the side. No cheese (I use Daiya), only because I already made a pizza earlier.

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